Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tagging (v1.0)

Everyday routine…MULTIPLY, EMAILS, YM…since I found out that Hilda had tagged me for these 5 things survey so people buckle up (ceh..bunyi macam extraordinary jawapan nak bagi aje :D )…so here we go.

5 things in my bag:

1. My purse…it’s big, shiny and it comes with a lot of card compartment. Yahoo!

2. My handphone.

3. My mini bag (lipgloss, miniature perfume, compact powder, tissue, pen and a small book)

4. Keys (home and office)

5. My watch

5 things in my wallet:

1. Duit @ Cash @ Money

2. ATM card

3. IC and Driving license

4. My family members' and my own name card.

5. Loyalty and shopping cards.

5 favourite things in my bedroom:

i. My queen size bed (heheh I guess Hilda and Nadia will agree on this :P )

ii. My radio (“sorry..i didn’t hear it rang”)

iii. My collection of magazines

iv. My sister’s collection of comics’.

v. My almari + kotak kasut + books

5 things I wish to do :

i. work hard + study smart.

ii. get ready for today’s berbuka puasa.

iii. check email from abg.ramlee

iv. isi application forms.

v. buang sifat malas! hahaha

5 things I’m doing now :

i. youtube: Witch Yoo-Hee

ii. isi survey nie

iii. catching up new info with Cikgu.

iv. FlyFMing (in between youtube)

v. pikir hadiah untuk Alin.

5 people I would like to tag:

i. Anyone

ii. You

iii. Your Friend

iv. The one who has read this far, shud be tagged too :P

v. Jawab aje ler :p

my holiday