Wednesday, October 03, 2007

mystery number (ahaks)

last saturday..sumthing weird happened..heheh saje nak bikin suspend...i heard my phone rang so i went to answer it when it appeared Aizu's number. pelik ler juga, tiada angin bergoncang ...then dia stop..tak lama lepas itu appear number lain lak..this time mmg number aje penuh. cos i was afraid of kerja 'orang jahat' so I biarkan aje but i did messaged Aizu to know whether he did call me that evening.

that nite, he replied with "I tak call sesapa pun!!!" oh my...i thought my SE dah kena masuk virus (cehhh bikin dramatic)...sapa lak yg call nie...???

the next day, i was lazing around then my phone rang again and this time reappear Aizu's number again. kali nie not taking any chances of mysterious caller...i answered the phone. then i heard a familiar voice. someone who used to make my day with lawak madam/miss dia...hahaha My old-pal from Indonesia. he was also quite pelik why appeared someone else's number...heheheh

well kawan-kawan...itu aje citer dia. to all my friends...Selamat Berpuasa and Miss You too.

my holiday